Become a friend of the festival.

Established in 2017, the Kimbolton Arts & Sculpture Trust was founded on the belief that art creation enhances mental health and community wellbeing. To achieve this vision, the Trust's primary objective was to establish the Kimbolton Sculpture Festival as a premier event, attracting sculptors from across New Zealand who create rural-themed sculptures using materials commonly found on farms. The festival also aims to encourage individuals who may not typically consider themselves artists to ‘have-a-go’ at sculpture creation.

The members of the Trust are dedicated volunteers who contribute numerous hours of voluntary work to ensure the success of the event. Since the inaugural festival in 2018, it has become a prominent event on the calendar for an increasing number of sculptors and visitors.

As with many events of this nature, the festival requires substantial funding to maintain financial sustainability. By becoming a friend of the festival through donations to the general fund, you are supporting its continued success. To make a donation please click on the button below.

Note: The Kimbolton Arts & Sculpture Trust is a registered charity. A tax receipt will be issued for a tax refund once your donation has been received.
