New Zealand Rural Sculpture Awards Information Pack

Sculptor Terms & Conditions

‘The Spirit of the Land’

The Kimbolton Arts and Sculpture Trust (the “Trust”) presents and invites entries to The New Zealand Rural Sculpture Awards

To be awarded at the Kimbolton Rural Sculpture Festival on April 5th April 2025.


Entry fee: $20 per sculpture

The NZ Rural Sculpture Award: $5,000 (non-acquisition award).

The NZ Rural Sculpture Open Award: $2000

The NZ Creative Cocky Sculpture Award: $2000

The NZ Rural Small Sculpture Award: $1000

The Local Yokel Sculptor Award: $1000

Give it a go Sculpture Award: $300 Merit prize. Free entry. (Choosing this option will mean that all your sculptures will be entered in the this award)

The People’s Choice Award: $1000

Manufacturing and Engineering Sculpture Challenge: $500


Free entry

Pre-School & Primary School aged students years 0-4 Group Sculpture Award.

Primary School aged students years 5-8 Group Award

Individual Youth Awards

Primary School Students Years 0-4       

Primary School Students Years 5-8       

Sculptures should be the children's work allowing for adult supervision.


Five merit awards of $300 will be awarded by the judges across all categories at their sole discretion.


This Sculptor and Materials Brief applies to all Award categories.

The New Zealand Rural Sculpture Awards are judged on sculptures which showcase and capture the essence of the New Zealand rural landscape, its nature and communities.  The work should reflect the resilience, heart, soul and humour of those who live, work and love this land.

Entrants are encouraged to give expression to their cultural heritage and their unique experience and interpretation of ‘The Spirit of the Land’.  

Sculptures are to be constructed from natural or manufactured materials, whether new or recycled, commonly associated with farming or rural landscapes. Sculptures are to exhibit originality, skill, imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness in their construction.

Entries are accepted from throughout New Zealand. (Except for the Local Yokel Sculpture Award)


The Trust reserves the right to refuse any entry into a specified category. This would only occur after consultation with the Sculptor.

Sculptures are automatically entered into all awards except where specified.

There is no limit to the number of entries per sculptor.   

Entries in the Give it a Go Award are free to enter. Sculptures entered into this category cannot be entered into any other Awards

The People’s Choice Award is not an award open for separate entry – all entries are open for voting by the festival attendees for the People’s Choice Award.   


In addition to the General Conditions of entry the following specific conditions apply to each award.  

The New Zealand Rural Sculpture Award is our major award and is open to all sculptors. It is a non-acquisitive award, and award winners will retain ownership of their artwork. Entries should be constructed from natural or manufactured materials, whether new or recycled, associated with farming or rural landscapes that demonstrate ingenuity and resourcefulness through the use of materials. These sculptures should represent the art form “farm art”. The re-use of old machinery and equipment is encouraged.

The New Zealand Rural Sculpture Open Award is open to established and emerging sculptors. Sculptures can be made from any media suitable for outdoor exhibition and of a contemporary design that may not reflect “farm art”. Only new and original works not previously exhibited elsewhere will be eligible for entry. General conditions of entry apply.

The Creative Cocky Award is open to  all working or retired New Zealand farmers, rural contractors, small block holders, horticulturalists, or persons whose primary income or livelihood is or was from working the land.

The Small Sculpture Award is open to all entries from throughout New Zealand. The work must not exceed 1 metre in any dimension.

The Local Yokel Sculpture Award is open to creative locals who live within a 25 km radius of Kimbolton. (see map)

Give it a go Award is open to novice sculptors who are new and inexperienced in sculpture creation. Entry is not eligible for any other awards.

Manufacturing and Engineering Sculpture Challenge is open to a combined team effort from manufacturing or engineering businesses. The criteria is unlimited and the sculpture can be made from any material. The sculptures will be judged by the festival judges and be auctioned during the festival with proceeds from the auction being split 50:50 between the trust and the team.

Youth categories are open to all primary aged children.

The People’s Choice Award is not a separate award open to entry. All entries are eligible for the award of People’s Choice on the day of the festival.  



The Trust reserves the right to refuse any entry on any ground at the discretion of the Trust.

Entries must: 

  1. Comply with the Sculptors and Materials Brief.

  2. Comply with the Award Conditions.

  3. Must be registered on the online entry form.

  4. Be principally conceived and constructed by the entrant.

  5. Be mounted on a stable base and constructed in such a manner as to be displayed with public safety paramount.

  6. Be for sale on the day of the festival unless indicated on the entry registration.

  7. Unsold sculptures must be for available for sale through the website for 30 days after the festival.

  8. Be original works that have not been exhibited in galleries in the Manawatu in the last two years.

  9. Sculptures must not be removed from the festival site prior to 4 pm on the day of the festival.

Delivery of sculptures:

Youth entries must deliver their entries on Thursday April 3rd 2025.

All other entries must be delivered between midday Thursday April 3rd and midday Friday April 4th and not be removed until after 4 pm, Saturday April 5th 2025.

Entrants must:

  1. Have registered their entry, provided the information requested and have paid their entry fee per sculpture by the closing date for entries.

  2. Accepted the Sculptor Terms & conditions Contract by the closing date.

  3. Be the owner of their entry.

  4. Be available by phone on the Friday afternoon during judging

  5. Be available on the day of the Festival (Saturday) for media interviews. (exemptions by agreement only) email:

  6. Consent to their name and details being used by the media and for promotional purposes.

  7. Consent to the sale of entries through the Trust’s bank account on the day of the Festival and for 30 days following the festival. (The Trust will receive 20% commission on all sales).

  8. Ensure that any legal, regulatory or safety condition that applies to an entry is fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Trust prior to installation.

Festival tickets: The registered sculptor is entitled to one free entry ticket to the festival.

Sale of sculptures:

Sculptures may be offered for sale during the festival and on the ruralart website for the following 30 days, subject to the following Exclusivity of Sales clause.

Sale terms and conditions:

1         Exclusivity of Sales: The Sculptor agrees to grant the Trust exclusive rights to sell their sculptures designated for sale on a commission basis during the Festival and for 30 days thereafter. The sculptures will be featured on the website, with all sales processed through the Kimbolton Arts & Sculpture Trust bank account.     

2         Commission Structure: The Trust will receive a commission of 20% of the sale price (GST incl) for each sculpture sold during the exclusivity period. The remaining 80% of the sale price will be paid to the Artist.

3         Payment Terms: The Trust will remit payment, via internet banking, to the Sculptor for sculptures sold, minus the commission, within 3 days of the sale of the artwork.

4         Promotion and Marketing: The Trust agrees to display and promote the sculptures on the website, Kimbolton Sculpture Festival facebook page and @Kimsculpture Instagram site during the exclusivity period, as deemed appropriate.

5         Freight: Delivery costs of sculptures sold from the website is the responsibility of the purchaser.

6         Delivery: The delivery of sold items at the Festival is the responsibility of the seller in conjunction with the purchaser. Sold items may not be removed until after the close of the festival but all sold items must be removed from the Festival site by 5pm Sunday April 6th 2025.

7         Liability: Liability for the goods (such as damage or loss during shipping) lies with the seller until the goods are delivered to the buyer. The Kimbolton Arts & Sculpture Trust does not accept any liability for delivery, loss or damage to the artwork during shipping at any time.

8         Disputes: The Kimbolton Arts & Sculpture Trust will not undertake to resolve any disputes arising from the sale and purchase transaction. The Trust recommends that any unresolved disputes arising from the sale and purchase of the artwork should be taken to the Disputes Tribunal.

Security and Insurance

The organizer undertakes that all care will be taken to ensure security of the sculptures for the duration of the festival, it is however the responsibility of the sculptor to insure their work if they feel it is necessary. In other words, the Trust takes no responsibility for loss, damage or theft of any sculptures exhibited during the opening hours of the Festival. The Festival organizers advise sculptors that they are responsible for ensuring that only they uplift their unsold sculptures from the designated spot after the closure of the festival.

The Trust: 

Invites sculptors to discuss with the Trust the option to display their work in or around Kimbolton after the festival is over.


The awarding of prizes will be at the discretion of the judges. No discussion will be entered into.

Print Sculptor Information Pack



March 30th 2025 Last day for Preliminary Registration.

March 30th Last day for Detailed Sculpture Registration

April 3rd Entry fee payment receipt and Sculptor Terms & Conditions Contract deadline

April 3rd 2025 Youth sculptures deliveries accepted from 12:00 noon. Close at 5:00 pm

April 3rd 2025 Adult Sculpture deliveries accepted from 12:00 noon.

April 4th 2025 Adult Sculptures deliveries close at 12:00 noon.

April 4th 2025 Judging 2 pm - 5 pm

April 5th 2025 Kimbolton Sculpture Festival 9 am – 4 pm